Keep Your Wood Fireplace Working and Looking as Good as New With These Simple Maintenance Tips

The benefits of keeping a well-maintained clean wood fireplace are easy enough to establish: your model offers longer reliability, improved efficiency and a longer lifespan.

Maintaining your fireplace need not be as stressful as you think it would be. Read on for easily-implemented maintenance tips to keep your fireplace in top shape for a long time to come.

Burn seasoned wood

If you’re wondering what burning wood has to do with maintaining a fireplace, here’s the thing. Seasoned wood gives off less smoke than ‘green’ wood does which means less build-up of creosote in your chimney and less maintenance issues.

Keep an eye on your fireplace

By simply noticing any build-up of soot around the edges of your fireplace, you can catch a potential problem before it worsens. Soot build-up is quite easy to spot and can be a signal that flumes are clogged and need to be cleaned out. Spotting visible signs that something is amiss means you can take immediate action and save yourself from more expensive serious repairs.

Professional inspection

All experts agree that fireplaces should be professionally checked at least once a year by a certified technician. Sometimes an issue might not be visible to the naked eye and a trained expert is needed.

Should you wish for more experienced hands to maintain your wood fireplace in Melbourne, calling in professional help will ensure that it is properly looked after, giving you peace of mind.

Look after your wood fireplace and it will look after you and your home. Think it is time for an upgraded model, come and speak to us at Quadra-Fire. For more information, please visit our showroom at 444 Swan St in Richmond or contact us to find your nearest local dealer.